Parádfürdő, Hungary

Спа в живописной местности Матра находится на высоте 290 м над уровнем моря. Parádfürdő был хорошо известен в XIX веке благодаря своей лечебной воде, которая использовалась для лечения с 1813 года.

Лечебная вода здесь содержит высокое содержание железа, кальция, магния и углеводородов. В настоящее время это одна из самых известных государственных больниц и реабилитационных институтов в Венгрии. Опорно-двигательного аппарата, урологические, гинекологические, дерматологические и внутренняя специализируется на лечении метаболических нарушений.

The valley of Parádfürdő was first mentioned as a scene of medication in 1730. The first description of medicinal waters in Parád dates back the same year, in which the water already used for medical purposes is mentioned by Bél Mátyás as “salty water”. The beauty of the area and its convenient climate and medicinal waters suitable for drinking as well as bathing made a national and international reputation for Parádfürdő.

In 1763, Maria Theresa, emperor and queen of Austria-Hungary ordered an assessment of Hungary’s medical baths in each royal county. It was Dr. Markhót Ferenc physician of Eger who received the mandate for county Heves. It was him who discovered that the so-called ’salty water’ is high in alum. He made scientific observations and put down that besides alum ’Vitriolum Matriale’ also known as ferrous sulphate can also be found in the medicinal water of Parád.

In 1795 Kitaiber Pál, a scientist well-known all over Europe, conducted an exact chemical analysis of medicinal waters.

In 1817 Prof. Meissner made even further analysis of the Parádfürdő waters. The bath was operating quite basic for a long time at the beginning, according to Fáy András even in 1819.

“The Pocket Guide to Baths” edited by Przemysl’i Lengyel Dániel was issued in 1853.

In those years Parádfürdő became a property of count Károlyi and went through further dynamic development.

In 1854 new constructions started continuously architected by Ybl Miklós and implemented by Koch Henrik.

  • 1854       Zsuzsanna Inn
  • 1865       The alum-lake
  • 1873       Hotel Ybl
  • 1893       Hotel Erzsébet

In the 1930’s the body of National Foundation for Public Education was called into existence, which assumed the management of Parádfürdő as well.

By dividing the baths, which was managed by the National Foundation for Public Education, Public Hospital Parádfürdő was established in 1952.