Berekfürdõ Gyogy- es Strandfurdo, Hungary

Термальная и пляжная купальня Берекфюрдо

Местоположение: Berekfürdő, Berek tér 11, 5309 Венгрия
+36 59 519 029

Berekfürdõ, with a population of 1000 residents can be found in Cumania (a district of Central Hungary), near to the town of Karcag.

History: Existence of Berekfürdõ has not been surrounded by memorials looking back for centuries, there were only 5 farmsteads standing here with 35 residents in 1920s.
On the territory spreading between Karcag and Kunmadaras there was only one road, which was impassable during spring and autumn times, leading into the “puszta” from the railway station named Tatárülés. However, the changes have followed each other with incredible speed. In the course of 1920s, the attention of geologists turned towards the Hungarian Great Plain, as they were sure to be able to find rich hydrocarbon sources in the depth.
Under leadership of Ferenc Pávai Vajna, geologist in chief, there were explorations started in 1925. After initial difficulties of boring the works led by Robert Schmidt Eligius, technical leader, succeeded on 24th January, 1928.

The height of outburst was 40 meters initially, and then reached 70, and even100 metres later, too.
Owing to rapid measures, the necessary chemical analyses were achieved already in February and, according to the results the water contained potassium, magnesium, sulphur, iodine and bromine, that is the thermal water included many mineral matters.
Based upon the lake of almost one hectare the first temporary baths was established and also operated by Imre Mándoki. In May of 1928 he has made a pool-like structure made of wood, which was called as “wooden basket” by everybody. Depth of its gradually deepening part varied between 60 and 150 centimetres.

In October the preparations of boring of the well No II were started, and there was a 12 km long channel (ditch) built to drain off the used water. In February 1930 also water with a temperature of around 55 oC was found in the depth of 800 metres. In this very year there was the first reinforced concrete pool built, which was separated into two parts: in one of them there was a thermal water of 42 oC, while of 30 oC in the other one available for the bathers. Besides, there was an other building built with 12 bath-tubs and cold water shower, as well as a restaurant and a confectioner’s shop.
In the year 1934 there were 48 ground-plots sold very quickly, and a year later the 20-room hotel of Berek was opened.

In 1935 the analysis of the water was completed: according to the opinion of Mining Department of the Ministry of Finance the water is slightly alkaline, heavily sodium chloridic, iodine and bromine containing thermal water. “Based upon measured absolute values, and as the residual matters contained in it are in higher concentration and quantity, the thermal water of Berek can be considered as water of higher value as compared to that of Szoboszló and Debrecen.”
For the end of thirties this thermal water had reached a well-known fame all over the country.

Also in this year the problem of “return flow” was solved by a reinforced concrete trough, which drained off the surplus water from the edge of the village to the 12 km long channel alongside the road between Karcag and Kunmadaras.
In the year 1941 there was a pool built with dimensions of 40 x 20 metres, which was separated into two parts by a concrete wall in the middle, and there were stair-type sitting means created around the pool (this is the current so called twin-pool). Through this solution the capacity of the baths has considerably been increased.

Current image of the public baths of Berekfürdõ was created as a result of reconstruction works at the end of fifties and the beginning of sixties.

In the course of 60s and 70s cottages sprang up like mushrooms, more and more people recognized thermal force of attraction of Berek. Proximity (4 km) of the airport and Soviet military base had left its mark on development of the village. As the political regime at that time, with reference to military secrets, did not see strangers with pleasure in the region, the development of Berekfürdõ had been blocked.
A break through happened in 1974, when the water of Berek, under co-ordination of Dr. Lajos Hajdu, a rheumatologist professional, was declared to be an approved thermal water. Therapeutics has got free scope at last.
In the course of 80s there was a continuous development in the village, a supermarket and a new restaurant were also built.
At this time the current settlement image could be considered as a whole. In the course of 90s there were smaller investments completed, and also the infrastructure was continuously improved. Telephone and gas supply became of 100 %, and the canalisation increased from 20 % up to 60 %. Dust-free roads have replaced dirt roads all around the village. For completing the page we used the elaboration of Kornélia Kovács titled “Health care tourism potentials of Berekfürdõ and its improvement possibilities in the mirror of Széchenyi-Plan of the Ministry of Economy” (2001).

Pools: there are totally 9 pools waiting for the visitors. Seven of them are at public baths, while there are two at the indoor thermal baths. On the wonderful green area of 8 hectares the two medical pools, and another one with neck, back and waist shower delight service was opened in the year 2000, have been intended definitely for those who search for recovery, as well as the two thermal pools which are equally very popular among children and adults, as well. Besides these there is a pool especially for small children and a swimming pool. In the indoor thermal baths there are two pools for medicinal purposes, and there are special medical treatment services available upon request, such as medicinal weight bath, curative massage, electrotherapy and underwater jet massage, too, for those who require. Besides medicinal services there are Finnish sauna, pedicure and manicure services also available.

Тип воды: М=2874.7 мг/л, хлоридно-гидрокарбонатная натриевая, йод=1.63 мг/л, фтор=2.0 мг/л.